farah fasyalba

To love or not to love;
that is the question.

♥Her Strawberry Shortcakes

♥Her Fats

Her wishes
♥Eternal Love.

Her Life
My 2006 Blog
My 2007 Blog
My 2008 Blog
My 2009 Blog
My Friendster

Her World



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Monday, November 1, 2010

I've moved.


Now, be nice children!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

dear mr & mrs bloggie…

Mother was once concerned when I brought back one guy after another to meet her, knowing deep down none were any the wiser.

It was alarming, so to speak. More for Mother than me because according to her calendar, I was not getting any younger and sod it, stock markets are not for the faint-hearted, if you catch what I’m saying.

I, on the other (itchy) hand, beg on my knees to differ. I decided that dating has turned from fun to….. more fun. So numb this heart has turned that skipping from one guy to another was without a doubt a better option, or should I say the only option?

And then enters the angel from above.

Toy, like any other, came into the picture exactly at the point of my life where boys equate to….. say-anything-more-and-I-would-be-shot-right-here-right-now. Safe to say, easy come easy go. (Those who get it come laugh it off with me.)

Irony became my friend when fate suddenly played its card and made me fall in love in Toy. And like any other fairytales, the rest goes without saying.

So here I am, typing this away. He who was once just that passerby in life who loved reading my blog now became the leading male in fasyalbaforever.blogspot.com. And why the sweet words? He is here now beside me witnessing my vigorous typing on the keyboard.
Don’t you just love sleepovers Toy? >.<
Ahhhh…. Love is, once again ladies and gentlemen, in the air.



Tuesday, March 16, 2010

dear mr & mrs bloggie...

Ahhh, yes I reckon with the dust storm sweeping through this blog, I ought to take some action by finishing up on my entry on the third and last day of Cuz Ctea’s wedding. Which one? Wretchedly, the very one that took place on the 3rd of January. Procrastination is my lot these days, much to avid readers’ dismay. Ha.

Obviously (shamefully so) by now, memory fails to serve me so ladies and gentlemen, may I, for the love of sanity, just present to you photos taken then.

Oh, forgive me.

Yea apparently I was that bad.

Talked so much, bargained until cannot bargain anymore... At last only received 4 friggin bucks. Pfft.

p/s: As laziness would have it, I have still a dozen or two pictures that have not been uploaded. FB is there for a reason, aye? Hah.



Sunday, March 14, 2010

dear mr & mrs bloggie…

It was past midnight. But there at the living room set in the heart of Toh Guan Road, all cousins, the whole lot of us, were seen giggling away. With the mattresses spread and well, a pot of tea served, time stood still. We played games, talked about boys and girls and reminisced the past.
Nothing beats having a get together with family, the old school way. Unspeakably, happiness belongs to me then, to say, at the bat of an eyelid.

This is my family. Undramatized.

Day two soon came as the sun began to make its appearance. Grandmama’s voice, with a loud voice to beat Beyonce, rang in our ears, be that a form of an alarm.

God have mercy, we cousins were soon sent scampering away to do what was must- to shower. As for me, my job was (and will always be) to make a pot of coffee because fitting as it seems, I do make a good cuppa. Witnesses please stand.

Smelling all good and ready to go, the bridesmaids waited for the next thing on the agenda. It was a frenzy, to say the least. I must say it was more of the excitement of being dolled up than seeing our cousin up on the dais that made us all so fidgety. Shame on us.

You see, seeing that we did not want to be left out from the beauty world, we hired Wiwit to be our make-up artist for the dinner that was to be held in Japanese Garden. She arrived shortly after two to make us up into beautiful china girls and all that jazz. It was something I tell ya.

From here onwards, I’ll let the photos do much of the talking. Ha.

While we were busy getting painted on our faces, the bride and groom had to attend the lunch reception held too, at Japanese Garden for Hafiz O's side.

Below are some pictures I managed to steal from Wiwit as she was seen doing her thang.

.Yup, the maid that transformed into an exotic goddess, no?
Ok shut up.
There, the 5 bridesmaid with my prettyboy Fiqri to be our bodyguard.

My prettyboy Fiqri set the ball rolling by being the first to catwalk his way to the front of the dais. He did a mighty fine job, at that.
Then came the couple!
By the way, the modern kimono on my cousin was specially tailored for her. How awesome is that?
The Groom and The Bride
and of course who can leave aside his bestmen and her bridesmaids.
Knowing how gatal my cousin was, she took off her top after the whole dinner thing to reveal the beautiful satin/silk dress that laid beneath. Gorgeous stuff, that dress.
Tired from picture-taking and posing like wannabes, we were soon seen slurping on Tulangs after we headed back to Toh Guan.
What a night.
So stay tuned to see me humiliate myself on the next day.
Till den!
